How can I meet the fruit and vegetable recommendations?
Most Americans under-consume the recommended number of fruits and vegetables each day for adequate nutrition. Developing a healthy eating pattern that accounts for all the foods and beverages is essential to improve health and decrease health concerns. Fruits and vegetables play a vital role in our overall health and well-being. While they provide us with a small percentage of our daily fluid intake, they provide us with essential vitamins and minerals including, but not limited to, vitamin A which improves our vision, vitamin C and Zinc to help strengthen our immune system, Iron and Potassium to help provide oxygen to our tissues and allow our muscles to contract, and Calcium which aids in bone strength and development. Also, fruits and vegetables provide us with fiber and fiber is essential for our gut health and proper GI tract motility. While most people associate fresh, whole fruits and vegetables as being the best sources of these nutrients, frozen fr...